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We Need YOU!
Help Promote Everest in a Parade!

Homer Glen's Annual 4th of July parade is on
JUNE 25th! 
It's a weekend of fun for Homer's Anniversary!

Everest Academy will be in the Parade and we need families to walk / ride in the parade!!

Wear your Everest Spirit!

When: June 25th 10:30 am
Where: Bengston's Pumpkin Farm

Bring Candy to Throw

For more information on the events surrounding the parade go here:

Dear Parents, Families, Faculty and Staff of Everest Academy,

On behalf of myself and the Board of Directors of Everest Academy we THANK YOU and Congratulate you on all you have accomplished; for all the preparation, dedication and love that has gone into guiding our children further along in the plan God has for each one; for the development of Everest Academy, as we are another year closer to becoming all that we are called to be as a school in the Archdiocese of Chicago and in our country.

This past year has been an experience in living Everest life to the fullest, with many rigorous academic achievements; beautiful traditions, events and blessings shared that we are so grateful for.  We have succeeded in another year of school life that has involved each one of us giving our upmost and doing our best, with our students being the first in the line up to do so.  We are very proud of each one of them for all they have achieved this year. It has been remarkable to see how much every student has matured and grown in their own way. Every faculty member could easily comment on some form of growth or progress that they have noticed in each of our students.  We are pleased to say we do know them all, each one by name and each one in some unique character quality and in the special gift they are to us as children of God.

Farwell to our Graduates
We especially congratulate our 8th grade graduates Emma Colarelli, Sheila Lawler, Brendan Wood and their parents; Mr. Peter and Mrs. Angela Colarelli, Dr. Robert and Mrs. Paula Lawler, Mr. Robert and Mrs. Mary Ann Wood. These families have arrived this year at the culmination of many years of dedication, generosity and hard work on their part and with the White Pines/Everest Academy team. It has been a privilege to share in the lives of these fine graduates. They have been instrumental in and have built the way for generations to come in setting traditions and laying a solid foundation for future Everest students, some of them who are their own brothers and sisters. We are immensely proud to say that they have raised the bar; fought the good fight and are capable, solid Christian leaders who can and will transform society according to the Gospel values.

Everest Academy Looking Back and Moving Forward
We would like to review and to share with you some of the many outcomes that have come to fruition over the course of this year. This compilation “Everest Academy Looking Back and Moving Forward” is to take note of all the rewards we have benefited from due to your generosity. This is a work still in progress and will be sent to you soon along with the results of our Everest Academy Parent Survey. Thank you for participating in the survey as it has provided us with excellent feedback and confirmation of those areas that we seek to improve, all of which are very much in line with the goals that were formulated in the strategic planning. As part of this package we will be sending you a copy of the fine DVD that was produced this year on the life of Everest Academy. We are grateful to Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Annette Waligora who made producing this DVD possible and have also provided a copy of the DVD for each of our families.  We ask that you please take some time to share this DVD with your friends and family that they too gain some of the experience of the gift that Everest Academy is. Please do promote our school with every possible opportunity.

2011-12 School Year
Amidst bringing this school year to a close we have been planning ahead for next year. Please expect to be receiving the following information:
·         Stanford 10 Information
·         2011-12 School Calendar
·         Student Supply lists
·         Classroom/Grade Arrangements
·         Faculty Placements
Faculty Members not Returning
Along with joys there are some difficult realities. Please accept this as notification that the following faculty members will not be returning to Everest Academy for the 2011-12 school year:
Mrs. Stringham Math and Science Middle Teacher: Mrs. Stringham is retiring from the classroom. We are very grateful for the dedication and years of service Mrs. Stringham has provided our students. Her expertise in the area of Math has been transmitted in their minds, hearts and successes. We look forward to the possibility of Mrs. Stringham offering her valuable experience in working with our National Schools Office in the area of curriculum development.
Mrs. Olino Kindergarten Teacher: We are grateful for and thank Mrs. Olino for the work she has carried out with our students and school community. We wish her the very best in her new endeavors.

We will keep Mrs. Stringham and Mrs. Olino, our faculty, and those new faculty members joining us in prayer. Faculty life changes and placements on the part of the school can be the most challenging and most difficult decisions to make being that we do build family relationships. Again these decisions are taken and made with a great deal of discernment, prayer, and serious consideration always with the best interest of the staff and faculty members, the students and the school community as a whole in mind.  We thank you for your ongoing support and confidence in these transitions and decisions.

Faculty Member Placements
We will notify you prior to the end of June as to the Faculty placements at Everest Academy.  We at Everest intend to offer our children the best possible education. This begins as we know with the teachers who are first in contact with our students and who spend the greatest amount of time with them. We are intent on assigning the candidates and will announce the complete team as soon as possible. Thankfully here at Everest Academy our method of Integral Formation® implies the work of an entire team who provide personal attention to and care in the education of each student.  In addition to the teacher the team of our Chaplain, Brother, and Consecrated, Dean of Students, office staff and I as Principal contribute in a specific and particular manner to the overall development of the students adding to the continuity of their progress.

I thank you for your understanding and invite you to please call me if you have any further questions or concerns. I am available at anytime.

I wish you all a very restful and recreation filled vacation.

God Bless you,
Sincerely in Christ,

Christine Gamache

Everest Academy


Meet & Greet
August 26th
Time of day based on last name:
A - K:  10 am - 11 am
L-Z: 11 am - Noon

First Day of School
Grades K - 8:  August 29
Pre - K:  August 30

Welcome Back Wine & Cheese Parent's Party
August 31, evening

Dear Parents,

This year’s Field Day (Tuesday, June 7) will be held on the north side of the building.  We will block off the parking lot and driveways on the north side of the building and use that area for our field day games and events. 

That means that just on Tuesday, June 7th you will need to following these special procedures:

FIELD DAY DROP OFF: Drop off your children at the main entrance of the building

FIELD DAY PARKING: If you are staying for Field Day, park your car in the field to the south of the school building

Thank you for your help.  We look forward to seeing you on Field Day!
Dear Everest Families,

Tuesday evening June 7th at 6:30 p.m. we need parents -- especially dads -- to help set up the stage and chairs in the gym in preparation for our Commencement Mass, School Awards Ceremony, and Commencement Ceremony.

Please come and help if you are available.  Many hands will make light work.

Thank you!

About Everest

Everest Academy Lemont, founded in 1995 as White Pines Academy, is a private Catholic school offering a Pre-K through grade 8 program.

Our goal is to offer each child the highest quality education through Integral Formation®, the pedagogical method developed by the Legionaries of Christ. Through Integral Formation®, each student benefits from a personalized approach that develops the whole person, from intellect and character to spiritual life and apostolic responsibility. The result: intelligent, responsible, and positive leaders who will transform society with the Gospel values.

Here at Everest Academy, with our brand new campus opened for the fall 2009 school year, we are poised for growth and ready to give our students a Catholic educational experience that will last them a lifetime. Find out more by taking a tour of our campus.

The Pilgrim Queen

The Pilgrim Queen
Pray together as a family and honor Mary as a special guest in your home.

Prayer for Everest

Prayer for Everest
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for making Everest Academy a reality. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, may we touch the lives of many people and bring to our community the joy of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. We thank Our Mother Mary for her help and ask for her continued care and protection. Amen.

School Masses

School Masses
Join us for All School Mass on Friday at 2:20pm or Morning Mass at 7:15 am Tues., Wed., and Thurs.

Lean on Me Holy Hour

Lean on Me Holy Hour
Spend some time with Jesus every Thursday, after morning Mass 7:45am