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Dear Everest families,

We are already almost into our 3rd week of Advent!  This Sunday we will be lighting the third candle of the Advent wreath, the only pink candle, as a reminder that Jesus will soon be born!  The students have been preparing their hearts for Jesus’ birth by coming up with their own resolutions (A simple prayer, sacrifice and act of kindness) to work on during this time of Advent to ensure their hearts are ready to receive Him Christmas morning.

I hope that each of you have been having a wonderful Advent season and have been able to be receptive of the immense graces Our Lord pours out on each of us during this time as we sincerely empty our hearts of the dust and clutter that has built up and rekindle the flame in our hearts. May we offer Baby Jesus a heart that is full of love and joy this Christmas season.

May our Blessed Mother watch over your families and help each of you to live this Christmas very close to her Son.

God bless you!

Miss Maher

 “Be strong, fear not! Here is your God…He comes to save you.”
-Isaiah 35:4

Moms and friends of Everest Academy are invited to join us for a special Moms' Coffee.  We hope you will join us as we begin our Advent journey to Christmas with this special event.

St. John the Baptist

The greatest Herald of all time was St. John the Baptist. The first time he and Jesus met, they were not even born yet! But at the moment John heard Mary greeting his mother, Elizabeth, he leapt in Elizabeth’s womb. He was announcing that Jesus was near. St. John spent years in the desert eating locusts and wild honey and learning the truths of God from the Holy Spirit, his constant Friend and Guide.

John was being prepared in a special way for his important mission. St. John came out of the desert and began to teach the people. He announced that Jesus had come into the world, and would soon be with them to share the love of the Father in Heaven. St. John helped the people prepare to receive Jesus by being sorry for their sins.

He helped them become ready to know and love Jesus, and serve him by sharing the truth about God with others! Finally the time came and Jesus came to John and asked that he baptize him. John did not feel worthy but Jesus wanted to make water holy so that we could be baptized too. Then John said, “He must increase and I must decrease.” People stopped following John and started following Jesus. St. John the Baptist’s mission was complete!

Congratulations to our students for their participation their admirable zeal in bringing the lost souls back to the Good Shepherd!

Virtue of the Month: Zeal for Souls

Father, those who will believe in me are your gift to me.
I wish that where I am they also may be with me...
(John 17:24a)

School Campaign Winners
Lower School: Grade 2
Middle School: Grade 5-6

Congratulations to our Boys' Basketball Team!

Last night, the Everest Knights had their second win of the season
playing on their home court!

Everest (2-0) vs. St. Rose of Lima (Wilmington)

Please join us next Thursday, December 6th
to cheer them on to another victory when they play
St. Joseph (Manhattan)
Everest Gym 7:00pm

Everest Academy Annual Fund Drive 2012

Pledge now to achieve 100% participation!

The Annual Fund Drive makes it possible for Everest Academy to continue the tradition of excellence that began 16 years ago, through dedication, commitment, and sacrifice of parents, families, and friends.

What? The Everest Academy Annual Fund Drive supports the day-to-day operating costs of running our school. Through your generous gift to the annual fund, we are all able to share in supporting our mission and providing an exceptional education to our children.

Every contribution, whatever the amount, plays an important role in helping Everest Academy to be one of the best schools in the area.  It is important to note that:

Tuition covers only part of what it costs to educate a child at Everest Academy.
The difference of must be made up through the generous contributions of our families, friends and benefactors.

The success of the Annual Fund Drive depends on the participation of the entire Everest Academy community.  It is essential for us to have 100% parent, faculty and staff participation.

Why?  When applying for grants and sponsorships, many organizations request our participation rates. This helps show benefactors that our families are committed. The higher our participation rate, the more favorable we are to receive additional funding. 

Who?  We wish to send a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to the families that have already responded with a pledge. May your generosity be blessed in abundance! Families who donate $1,000 and up will become part of the Co-Founders Society.
Where and When? For your convenience, pledges will be accepted at the front door car line in the mornings this coming week November 30 – December 7th from 7:45-8:00 AM after you have dropped off your children at their regular door.

We give from the heart….and give what we can.

Your gift makes a difference!  

Congratulations to the Boys Basketball Team

on your 1st win of the season!

Everest vs. St. Paul the Apostle (Joliet)

We wish our team the best tonight
at our
against St. Rose (Wilmington)

Please join us tonight at 7:00pm
in our school gym to cheer our Everest Knights to another victory!

It's Book Fair Time!

November 14-20, 2012

Your child will visit the Book Fair during the week of November 14th and be assisted in completing a wish list to bring home. You will have the option of purchasing your child’s favorite books from his or her wish list at the book fair or online. For your convenience, cash, check (payable to Everest Academy), Visa, Mastercard and Discover are all accepted.

We invite you to attend the Book Fair to view and purchase books anytime during school hours on Monday, Nov. 19, or during Grandparents’ Day. You may send in a book order previous to the fair days by choosing books at our online e-fair. (Note: Shipping to home is available for a nominal charge, or choose to ship to Everest Academy for free. Excludes Online Specials)

The complete Usborne Books & More catalog may be viewed online through our special Book Fair link: http://myubam.com/8852. If you choose, you may place your order online.

Thank you for your support! By purchasing books, you enable our school to obtain new resources for our library & classrooms. We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!

Everest Academy will receive up to 50%
in FREE books
from the Book Fair sales

If you prefer, you can place your
book fair order online at
today through November 23rd.

Questions?  Call the Usborne Books & More rep, Kathleen White at 708-215-0377

About Everest

Everest Academy Lemont, founded in 1995 as White Pines Academy, is a private Catholic school offering a Pre-K through grade 8 program.

Our goal is to offer each child the highest quality education through Integral Formation®, the pedagogical method developed by the Legionaries of Christ. Through Integral Formation®, each student benefits from a personalized approach that develops the whole person, from intellect and character to spiritual life and apostolic responsibility. The result: intelligent, responsible, and positive leaders who will transform society with the Gospel values.

Here at Everest Academy, with our brand new campus opened for the fall 2009 school year, we are poised for growth and ready to give our students a Catholic educational experience that will last them a lifetime. Find out more by taking a tour of our campus.

The Pilgrim Queen

The Pilgrim Queen
Pray together as a family and honor Mary as a special guest in your home.

Prayer for Everest

Prayer for Everest
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for making Everest Academy a reality. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, may we touch the lives of many people and bring to our community the joy of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. We thank Our Mother Mary for her help and ask for her continued care and protection. Amen.

School Masses

School Masses
Join us for All School Mass on Friday at 2:20pm or Morning Mass at 7:15 am Tues., Wed., and Thurs.

Lean on Me Holy Hour

Lean on Me Holy Hour
Spend some time with Jesus every Thursday, after morning Mass 7:45am