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We believe that Jesus gave us His own body and blood in the special sacrament we call the Holy Eucharist. We Catholics actually believe that Jesus is really present in this sacrament! For us Catholics, the Holy Eucharist is not just a symbol. It is not just a memory. It is not just a promise. It is really Jesus Christ. The Holy Eucharist is not some „thing‟. It is some „body‟, as Fr Corapi might say. It is Jesus, our Lord and our God. This is what we mean by the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This is why we call the Holy Eucharist "the Blessed Sacrament". All the sacraments are blessed! All the sacraments give us the grace of Jesus, but this sacrament gives us Jesus himself. This is what we Catholics believe. Why do we believe this? Not because some theologians say so. Not even because the Church says so. We believe this for only one reason: because Jesus Christ says so, and we believe Him. Many who try to follow Jesus do not believe this, as we Catholics do. This fact should not surprise us at all. Let‟s face it…on a human level, it is a very hard teaching to accept. It takes the gift of faith. Jesus had the same problem of unbelief with some of His own disciples. When Jesus first told His own followers that He would give His body and blood as food and drink as spiritual nourishment for the soul, many of His followers – His disciples – would not accept that. They could not believe Him, so they left Him. Jesus did not try to call them back. He didn't say, "Now, wait a minute! You misunderstood me! I was only talking symbolically". No. He let them go.

Then Jesus asked His apostles if they also wanted to leave Him. He was even ready to let His apostles go. We know that Peter, speaking for the group said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? We believe that you have the words of eternal life". The apostles took Jesus at His word, and we do, too. Jesus chose this very special way to remain with us through the Eucharist. It was not an empty promise when Jesus said, "I will be with you always, even until the end of the age."

I like the way Blessed Mother Teresa put it. She said, "When we look at the cross, we know how much Jesus loved us. When we look at the tabernacle, we know how much Jesus loves us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened. Come to me and I will refresh you". Who could refuse such an invitation from your very best friend? Please join the parents and students of Everest Academy every Thursday morning after Mass for the Lean on Me Holy Hour in the school chapel.

This is why we should visit our friend, Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament, to return His love for us and to draw spiritual strength and nourishment and encouragement from that love. Spending time with Jesus in adoration should not strike us as unusual. It is really a very natural human activity. When two people love each other, they want to spend time together to visit, to get to know each other better. You cannot love someone you do not know. Adoration of our Lord in the Eucharist is your chance to know Jesus better.

Why should you spend time visiting with Jesus in the Eucharist? Simply because Jesus himself, your best friend, invites you. He said it so warmly now". Some Catholics think that we can share in the Eucharist and gain grace from the Eucharist only in the Mass by receiving Holy Communion. This idea limits the power and the love of Jesus too much. Certainly participation in the sacrifice of the Mass and receiving Holy Communion is the most powerful source of grace for us, but it is not the only source of Eucharistic grace. After the sacrifice is completed, the sacrament continues on. Jesus, in His sacramental body and blood remains here with us as our friend, just as He promised. This is why Eucharistic Adoration is so important.

About Everest

Everest Academy Lemont, founded in 1995 as White Pines Academy, is a private Catholic school offering a Pre-K through grade 8 program.

Our goal is to offer each child the highest quality education through Integral Formation®, the pedagogical method developed by the Legionaries of Christ. Through Integral Formation®, each student benefits from a personalized approach that develops the whole person, from intellect and character to spiritual life and apostolic responsibility. The result: intelligent, responsible, and positive leaders who will transform society with the Gospel values.

Here at Everest Academy, with our brand new campus opened for the fall 2009 school year, we are poised for growth and ready to give our students a Catholic educational experience that will last them a lifetime. Find out more by taking a tour of our campus.

The Pilgrim Queen

The Pilgrim Queen
Pray together as a family and honor Mary as a special guest in your home.

Prayer for Everest

Prayer for Everest
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for making Everest Academy a reality. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, may we touch the lives of many people and bring to our community the joy of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. We thank Our Mother Mary for her help and ask for her continued care and protection. Amen.

School Masses

School Masses
Join us for All School Mass on Friday at 2:20pm or Morning Mass at 7:15 am Tues., Wed., and Thurs.

Lean on Me Holy Hour

Lean on Me Holy Hour
Spend some time with Jesus every Thursday, after morning Mass 7:45am