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During the most recent Moms' Coffee, Ms. Molly Maher, the Dean of Students shared some thoughts on the topic of DISCIPLINE.  She has graciously shared her notes for the benefit of those who were not able to attend.

 Dear Families,

For all those that were not present for my talk during Mom’s coffee, I  wanted to share some of the main points on How to Discipline with Love.

A. Introduction

  • The woman is the heart of the home and because of our feminine touch we have the perfect balance to be firm in disciplining our children when needed but when done with love we know our actions will be effective and transforming in the lives of our child. 
  • Raising a child is probably one of the most difficult tasks in life…but you are not alone in your effort to raise your family. Ask God for help when trying to discipline as each child is so different and may need different consequences etc.

B. The importance of discipline in order to have peace in the home/family.

  • We can’t expect our children to have order/discipline if we ourselves do not have order/discipline.
  • Help form virtue and will power in your children from a young age.

C. Set Expectations in the area of conduct and behavior.

  • Clear guidelines on how they are to act in public, talk on the phone, sit at the dinner table etc.
  • Clear procedures at home: teach them to be responsible at home, with their personal belongings.
  • Both parents should be on the same page with all family rules.

D. Hold your children accountable

  • Set certain consequences and FOLLOW THROUGH even it is hard!
  • Set a consequence ahead of time for poor behavior. Your child will know the consequence waiting for him if he chooses to make a poor decision. (This will alleviate any discussion...)

E. Always discipline with LOVE!

  • You need a strong relationship of love and trust with each of your children. (Spend a lot of quality time with each of your children.)
  • Do not talk/discipline your child when you are upset or when the child is upset. Wait until you are calm.
  • As parents, you are not their best friend…you are their mother/father! Don’t be afraid to say no. 
    • Help your children see that God and their parents have rules/guidelines for their protection and ultimate good. “You might not see or understand this now, but you will in the future. Until then KNOW that I love you!”
  • Do a lot of listening. You need to answer the needs of their heart. (Give them your eyes, and your ears)
    • Tell them “You can express whatever you want as long as it is done with respect.”
    • Don’t tell your children you need to talk…teenagers will close up. Instead say “Do you want to take the dog for a  walk?” “ Let’s go throw some balls?” “ Let’s go for lunch.” This is how kids will open up!
  • Always say yes! This does not mean you need to agree with your children on everything, but turn it around and make discipline a positive way of motivating your children… “Sure you can go to your friends house... when you show me you can make your bed every day and put away the dishes cheerfully this week, or when you can be responsible at home/school this week…the ball is in your court.”
  • Give 5 positive comments for every negative comment.

F. Good sources

  • Discipline that Last a Lifetime by Dr. Ray Gaurendi
  • Raising Good Kids by Dr. Ray Gaurendi
  • Strong Fathers/Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker
  • Boys Should Be Boys (7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons) by Dr. Meg Meeker

You are all called to be great parents and you can be certain that you will, with God’s grace and presence in your lives. Strive daily to help your child(ren) grow in virtue and shower them with your love.

God bless you and count on my prayers!

Molly Maher

About Everest

Everest Academy Lemont, founded in 1995 as White Pines Academy, is a private Catholic school offering a Pre-K through grade 8 program.

Our goal is to offer each child the highest quality education through Integral Formation®, the pedagogical method developed by the Legionaries of Christ. Through Integral Formation®, each student benefits from a personalized approach that develops the whole person, from intellect and character to spiritual life and apostolic responsibility. The result: intelligent, responsible, and positive leaders who will transform society with the Gospel values.

Here at Everest Academy, with our brand new campus opened for the fall 2009 school year, we are poised for growth and ready to give our students a Catholic educational experience that will last them a lifetime. Find out more by taking a tour of our campus.

The Pilgrim Queen

The Pilgrim Queen
Pray together as a family and honor Mary as a special guest in your home.

Prayer for Everest

Prayer for Everest
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for making Everest Academy a reality. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, may we touch the lives of many people and bring to our community the joy of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. We thank Our Mother Mary for her help and ask for her continued care and protection. Amen.

School Masses

School Masses
Join us for All School Mass on Friday at 2:20pm or Morning Mass at 7:15 am Tues., Wed., and Thurs.

Lean on Me Holy Hour

Lean on Me Holy Hour
Spend some time with Jesus every Thursday, after morning Mass 7:45am